Simeon the Russian Operative Boikov

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Legit KGB Spy

About Simeon

Simeon Boikov was born in 1990 to a Russian speaking household in the Sydney suburb of Cabramatta, New South Wales, Australia. His father is a Russian Orthodox Priest and Boikov cites his Russian Orthodox faith as a central part of his Cossack identity. He speaks of Russia with spiritual reverence, and says he fully supports the traditional values currently being promoted by the Russian government. His family succeeded in preserving the Russian language and raised their children to love Russia. “We never felt ourselves to be Australian, we were aliens there. I consider myself to be a Russian.”


Aussie Cossacks radicalisation and transformation into bonafide Putin puppet and foreign operative was complete in 2008 when he undertook a period of study in the Sretensky Monastery in Moscow. The Sretensky Monastery, which is close by the headquarters of the KGB in central Moscow, is reported to have close ties to the KGB’s successors, the FSB and the SVR (Russia’s Secretive Intelligence Services). Father Tikhon Shevkunov of the Stretensky Monastery, who Simeon credits on record as his mentor and is also known amongst shady communist intelligence and terroristy circles as “Putin’s spiritual adviser.” “One may say that while I was studying there I was, well, we must not say recruited, right? Basically, I fell under the influence of rightly thinking pro-Russian elements. They began to fashion a pro-Russian adult from a young Australian [citizen].” says Boikov.

The Australian Cossack Society is said to promote Orthodox Christian fundamentalism, “traditional values”, Islamophobia, and homophobia. Simeon has a close alliance with the Australia First Party (AFP) and the Greek Neo-Nazi group, Golden Dawn. The Australia First Party were one of the instigators of the December 2005 riot at Cronulla Beach. They have been known to instigate racist violence against Asians, Muslims, Blacks and the Gay community.

Golden Dawn is known overseas for murdering refugees as well as other non-white migrants and activists in Greece. Just a month after the Hands Off Syria rally infiltrated by both AFP and The Cossack Society, Simeon Boikov and AFP leader Jim Saleam were special guests at the national conference of the Australian chapter of Golden Dawn. In 2016, Simeon Boikov attended the Australia First annual conference and was pictured with Kim Vuga – the leader of the islamaphobic, anti-immigration nationalist political party “Love Australia or Leave” and featured in the 2015 documentary “go back to where you came from”.

Foreign and other Fashy Influence(r)s

Boikov has featured in Russian digital journal Vzglyad under the headline “Cossacks in Australia Speak of Supporting Russia in a ‘Hostile’ Country” Simeon said the following: “I consider myself a proponent of a strong Russian state. We’ll always support the policies of the [Russian] state, we respect very much our Commander-in-Chief, Putin. And we have a unique capacity to support Russia from within a hostile state. Even the FSB or a battalion of the Russian SAS can’t achieve that, because unlike them we are citizens of this state.”

The Aussie Cossack considers Australia to be a “hostile state”. In 2018, Mr Boikov was referring to Australia when he told a Russian media outlet that “we have a unique opportunity to support Russia from within an enemy state”. He said Cossacks in Australia could “pursue a pro-Russian position, lobby politicians and members of parliament, oppose anyone who lies about Russia, attacks Russia or imposes sanctions. Basically, they can wage an information war.” The Cossacks are well known for their suppression of protests in Russia and were one of the key pro-Russian groups fighting against Ukrainian forces in Crimea in 2014.

Simeon Boikov has close connections with the Nationalist group The Golden Dawn Society and The Australia First Party ran by one of Australia’s most prominent white supremacists Jim Saleam. Simeon Boikov and Jim Saleam have a close relationship going back years, recent sighting include an anti-lockdown protest they held together earlier this year. Also frequently present with Boikov at protests and functions is Vladimir Simonian, the president of the Night Wolves Australia motorcycle club. For the past 7 years with the help of Simeon Boikov they have been establishing a presence in Australia. The Russian arm of the club has been described as a “proxy” for the Kremlin: willing to carry out or support military operations at arms-length from the Russian government. The Russian Night Wolves club president Alexander Zaldostanov is a celebrity in Russia due to his friendship with Vladimir Putin. Mr Zaldostanov is known as “The Surgeon” due to his medical training.

As a result of their involvement in the 2014 conflict in Ukraine, which included fighting with and supporting pro-Russian separatists, the United States Treasury has placed financial sanctions on the Russian Night Wolves and Mr Zaldostanov.

Cooker Influencer Cred/Claim to Fames

Boikov and his fellow Cossacks have tried to silence the local Ukrainian community, taunting parishioners and their priest outside a Ukrainian church in Sydney over the Russian military incursion into Ukraine as well as the G20 protest in Brisbane attended by Putin, a protest in Sydney for a Ukrainian activist and infiltrating Pro-Syrian rallies. When protesters marched in central Sydney over the jailing of Russia’s main opposition leader Alexey Navalny, Mr Boikov led a counter-protest. At another protest in Martin Place, Boikov implies that a Ukrainian activist is a prostitute out of work and calls them “scum”.

Criminal Charges

Just eight months after the MH17 tragedy, which killed 38 Australians, Aussie Cossack travelled to Moscow - landing himself on an ASIO watchlist in the process - to visit one of the pro-Russian separatists accused of responsibility for the downing of MH17, the shady funder of Boicov's Ruski propaganda rag, old mate Igor Strelkov again. Who also turns out served with the FSB from 1998 to 2005 and has since been identified by the European Union as an officer of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, or GRU. Igor Girkin (Strelkov) is currently being tried in the Netherlands, in absentia, on murder charges related to the atrocity.

About his time in Ukraine he stated “I have fired machine guns, RPGs and even in tanks but I have never broken the laws of Australia.” Despite the fact he put a ‘call out’ for others to join him in the fighting overseas.

Personal Life

Boikov ran a monthly Russian Australian Newspaper named “Russkij Rubezh” (The Russian Frontier) which according to various sources appears to be funded by an individual named Konstantin Malofeev, a figure conspicuous known in Russia as “the Orthodox oligarch”. Malofeev is best known for the role he played in the insurgency in eastern Ukraine. In April 2014, Igor Girkin Strelkov, the former head of security for one of Malofeev’s “private equity” firms, Marshall Capital Partners Ltd, crossed from Russia into Ukraine with about fifty fighters to lead the first armed assault on a Ukrainian-government entity.

The Australian Cossack society which Boikov is the head of is said to have around 150 members, and its headquarters are at the Russian Sports and Social Club at Kemps Creek, in Sydney’s west. He is also the joint founder of the Double headed eagle society in Australia formed in early 2020.It first originated in Moscow at the first congress of the “Double-Headed Eagle” society that Malofeev heads. Although the group is registered as “historical-cultural association,” its members appear to be militarised: they wear uniforms with epaulets and badges of rank, and carry out Cossack military drills.

The Bulgarian Foreign Ministry announced on Monday that Russia has withdrawn a member of its diplomatic corps in Sofia after the Bulgarian State Prosecution announced earlier that day that it was investigating him or her for spying on behalf of The Double-Headed Eagle Society. Bulgaria’s Attorney General, Sotir Tatarov, spoke about a broad scheme, involving individuals close to Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin and Russian espionage bodies, structures, and projects to influence local politics in Moscow’s favour.

Double Agent Allegations

Boikov has gained a large following under the moniker “The Aussie Cossack” as a self proclaimed activist campaigning against Australia’s lockdown measures & police brutality. When in reality the Cossacks own brutal involvement in the crackdown of anti-Russian protests has been well documented.

There can be little doubt that Simeon Boikov aka The Aussie Cossack is a Russian Intelligence Operative engaged in a number of areas, including information warfare, influence operations and reporting back to the Kremlin.