

The Feemasons or Fee, my sons (when said with a full set of front teeth), or My son's are accepted for a fee are a society of get-well, motivational speakers, reiki practitioners and grifters founded in the 21st century. Their initial purpose was to share ways in which they can take full advantage of all government based systems, grants and welfare payments while decrying them as being part of the 'socialist new world masonic order'.

The Feemasons were the first (alleged) society to put a vaccine syringe in a 'No' circle over a pyramid stylised with the 'XXX' of pornography, Inside a donation bucket

The Feemasons do more than just grift, they are also known as Keepers of camping grounds and over staying ones welcome...

Delays in Feemason work is often caused by not understanding court dates, not understanding sitting dates of parliament, protesting outside of empty buildings and wondering why no one comes out to meet them, hangovers, rave parties and not planning places to stay...

Their daily workload usually consists of waking up, complaining at meetings, day drinking, trying to decide what they are going to do, arguing about what they are going to do, day drinking, eating, posting on social media before rounding off with a country and western rave. Throughout its checkered history the Feemason society has changed entirely and is now a front for donation stealing, money laundering and political candidacy and coopting legitimate issues of the people to score points for their benefactors.

A very common myth about the Feemasons is that they actually stand for anything worth whole...

Notable Lodges

Ex-Eroticus Profundus Also known as the Ex-Porn lodge, made up of recovering sex-addicts and porn addicts. Which is ironic as their lodge symbol includes a very lewd depiction with a less than censoring bar across it.

Grifticus Totalis also know as the Grifting lodge. Unfortunatly this lodge has now been excommunicated from the greater Feemason society due to donation theft.

Notable Members