Michael Gray Grifter
Artsy Ageing Hippie Boomer currently in anti-vax induced existential crisis
About Michael
Cooker Influencer Cred/Claim to Fames
Co-host of Cafe Cooked
Criminal Charges
His oft-recounted and likely first and only brush with police MGG has had in his life was the time at the Shrine where he got his face smashed in by the gladiator shield of one of VicPol's PORT robocops. That robocop smashed his face in good, right into the ground, and Michael could hardly breathe and thought he was gonna die. But then the cop pulled back the pressure allowing MGG to get to his feet, and when he did MGG told the robocop facesmasher that its OK, he forgives him.
Personal Life
Double Agent Allegations
No rumours or reports, this cooker is too high on feelgood vibes to be use to anyone