Clive Palmer

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Big Daddy Boss who is blatantly Buying Cookers Off

About Clive

Clive Palmer was birthed from an ancient egg sometime around the occupation of Rome by the Visigoths. He has been the bain of legitimate governments since the dawn of popular democracy, showing up from time to time to either lobby for more treats for himself, get elected and have nap time in the house, or rally the barely literate into voting for him and his half baked schemes. His last trick of spending $80 million dollars and ending up with zero seats in a parliament found himself looking to come up with his next trick. At the last election he rallied the populace into thinking Labor would introduce 'death taxes' this election he has latched onto the 'Freedumb' movement and plans to rally them into not voting for anyone, but still deliver a government that will let him open his mines and ship iron, coal and whatever else he finds back to his masters in China.


Cooker Influencer Cred/Claim to Fames

Criminal Charges

Personal Life

Double Agent Allegations