Jacquie Dundee
Put your hands up where I can see them and back away from the megaphone, back away slowly or else I'll shoot
About Jacquie
Like all self-respecting sovshit constitutional experts, Jacquie has absolutely zilch nada nicht nein qualifications nor credentials in law, and we suspect not even year 10 legal studies either. What she did have however was a solid knowledge of deeds n titles Donna, and she could serve a section 27 or 32 with the best of them having obtained her juris doctors at the local Colliers Real Estate in Lilydale, and since then Ms Dundee rose quickly through the ranks to become a (mostly self-imposed) staple speaker on the Melbourne protest scene.
We know Jacquie used to be a witch, but seems she is also a racist dog who counts neo-nazis as friends and wants to smash them out of the freedom movement. So much for inclusivity. She also likes to shout at cops and 'educate' them about the lore. Not law.
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