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== Key Cooker Activities & Events ==
== Key Cooker Activities & Events ==
Key activities of this cult of cookers centre around the posting of letters targeting a number of groups including media organisations, GPs and medical professionals, government organisations, politicians and everyday small businesses, accusing them of war crimes and citing various sovshitizen and Qanon pseudolaw and other quackery. These appear to be coordinated attacks that are organised in the cult's various Telegram groups for their localised cooker cells, and letter templates are disseminated on their website resources section https://theaustraliaproject.org/letter-serving
It appears that this serving of letter is closely monitored and analysed, and the ROI of this cooker activity is calculated using an unknown algorithm to evaluate its effect.

More to come, but listen to the dulcet and hypnotising tones of cult Leader [[Kent Brodie Brown]] give you and the fundy Christians he's presenting to the rundown of his great work and Maximus Manifesto
More to come, but listen to the dulcet and hypnotising tones of cult Leader [[Kent Brodie Brown]] give you and the fundy Christians he's presenting to the rundown of his great work and Maximus Manifesto