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TL;DR Based on Obama's 1 million number and comparative analysis of the area size of the Washington mall and the grassy area of federation mall, the Illuminati's propaganda unit estimate the cooker protest yesterday to be ~12,500-14,000.
TL;DR Based on Obama's 1 million number and comparative analysis of the area size of the Washington mall and the grassy area of federation mall, the Illuminati's propaganda unit estimate the cooker protest yesterday to be ~12,500-14,000.
* [https://streamable.com/xp5r3q Video of alleged Canberran partisan striking back against the cookers.]
On 13 February 2022, the Freemason discord received a copy of a video allegedly showing a young Canberran woman confronting a cooker. The video shows a minor rear-ending, with the Canberran partisan having allegedly rear-ended the Cooker's car at some lights. Upon being confronted, the young Canberran woman says "YA FOIKIN BOGAN SLUT! GET DA FUGG OUDDA CANBERRA YA SLUT!" - The verbal altercation continues until the Canberran woman appears to drive off before deciding to instead mount the front end of the Cooker's car with hers in a show of utter dominance. Due to NSW plates and clear insanity, it is unsure whether the young woman is a real canberran partisan or a freemason plant.