Janaya Markwell

Revision as of 06:14, 13 February 2022 by RICCARDO-BUSSI (talk | contribs)

J-a-n-a-y-a Markwell, also known as Roller Girl, is a simpleton, from the Gold Coast, Australia. She is the official beat reporter for the camp.

No, I haven't heard of Jonestown, what's that?

— Roller Girl, Camp EPIC

I'm not too sure about Waco or what that's about.

— Roller Girl, Camp EPIC

About Janaya

Poor little rich girl Janaya can be found rolling through the streets of camp EPIC on a set of rollerskates that cost more than her phone, spreading her infectious positivity wherever she can.

Her signature move is complete obliviousness and lack of awareness, which has resulted in her almost being kidnapped on several occasions, and considering her parents are too wealthy for her to qualify for welfare her signature financial position is broke, but that's okay because she has plenty of time left to be able to make bank by trading off her good looks.

It is obvious that Janaya has never met a full-on punk as proper, safety-pin wearing punks are used by rich girls to punish their daddys by getting those punks to punish their arses, so Janaya is using fascists to punish her daddy instead.

Things Janaya knows

how to batter her eyelids and get other people to pay for her. apart from that, not much apart from her favourite antisemitic conspiracy theories.

Things Janaya doesn't know

  • Rope and Zipties in a random car are potential red flags.
  • What Chloroform smells like

Too numerous to list

Current Status

Unfortunately, the freemason's failed to send Janaya a wikipedia article about Jonestown or Waco before it was too late. Now, with all the grifter 'leaders' gone, she has become one of the defacto leaders of the poor and disenfranchised skitzoids and idiots that have been taken advantage of.

Poor Janaya is a little retarded