Tami Jane

Revision as of 23:15, 12 February 2022 by Notsoevilsteve (talk | contribs)

Tami Jane, AKA Shit Hat, is a sov cit, crystal/magic enthusiast, cooker and former Real Estate agent from Melbourne, Australia.

About Tami

Tami Likes to wear a really shit hat, and sports a variety of cold sores, in many different liveries, and head for the hills at the first sign of the chance of getting arrested. She also claims to be moving to England, which will be interesting to see as she doesn't have any form of income.


  • Healing crystals
    • Magic
  • Tunnels under parliament
  • Probably collecting dream catchers
  • A coward always runs away and lives to run another day
  • bad makeup effectively covers coldsores
  • donation moneys are for nice things.