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== Beliefs & Ideology ==
== Beliefs & Ideology ==
Adherents and believers in The Australia Project subscribe to a number of dangerous Cooker conspiracies, primarily covid-denialism, sovereign citizen beliefs and the belief that the covid vaccines are a globalist (which they call The Cabal) plot to depopulate the world. Strong Qanon themes around throughout this cult including the belief that the Australian government and many politicians are members of a pedophile ring and placards and signs mentioning "the 28" - a reference to Senator Bill Heffernan's 2015 speech to the Royal Commission into Child Sex Abuse and subsequent retraction - are seen at their gatherings.

There is also strong evidence of distinctly anti-semitic beliefs being proliferated by admins and members of their telegram groups, their primary method of communication between cult member cells across the country.

== Affiliations & Subsidiaries ==
== Affiliations & Subsidiaries ==

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