Major Ken Behrans

Major Ken Behrans is a special-operator in canberra, they commanded the Barina Special Operations vehicle known as the Battle-barina in the Canberra Siege.

Notable Actions

During the Dunny Kirk Evacuation, Major Ken Behrans was deployed in the Battle-Barina in an action of area denial, force multiplication and strategically-applied road rage. The Barina battle wagon suffered minor damage in the altercation, however due to its rugged construction it was easily buffed out with a bit of spit and polish. The ultimate result of this altercation, was a severely bruised ego of two cookers and the disablement of a cooker battle mobile.

Upon being identified as the perpetrator, Major Ken Behrans proudly declared "Hi yep ME!" and informed her audience that the police did not press charges and the cookers would have to pay all damages - as they rightfully SHOULD. She was threatened by the cooker attacks both on her city and her Barina.

Only fans

noice tits for research purposes ONLY

Rumour has it that Hoody is highly affiliated with Ms Ken Behrans, however this may not be an affiliation but simply the result of Hoody being a porn addict that is subscribed to thousands of only fans.