Welcome to Cookerpedia!
Cookerpedia documents the activities and individuals in Australia who are cookers. Cookers consist of people who believe a wide range of conspiracy theories, whether mainstream or fringe.
Resources for finding cookers
You can find cookers in your local park harassing innocent people for wearing masks, blocking up your roads with trucks, or in your local public toilet, bumping coke or shooting up ice. Cookers also reside in the digital realm, in the echo chambers of Telegram, Zello, Facebook, ChristianMingle.com, Twitter, Gab, Rumble, and the list goes on. This, of course, has caused their miasma to infect platforms where most sane people also reside.
Recent cooker events
Feb 2022
- Convoy to Canberra really heated up (the meth pipes). The convoy saw all flavors of cookers to come to Canberra, including sovereign citizens, anti-vaxxers, tin-foil hat wearers, and right-wing nut jobs. They protested the government for a variety of idiotic fucking reasons for example: vaccines, masks, pedophile cabal in the government, treason of the government because it's a corporation or some shit, chemtrails, globalism, global banking cabal, and so on and so fucking forth.
- On Friday 11th, around 5:30pm, a large influx of cookers from across the country arrived in Camp Cooked to prepare for protests scheduled for the weekend.
- ACT Police blocked off roads leading into the EPIC Campground to slow their entry.
- The density of unintelligence in the universe has been identified as the EPIC Campground at this very time.
- The Cookers have scheduled an early morning meeting for Saturday 12th at 9am, and to wake up early enough, would need to drink half the number of beers the night before.
Jan 2022
- Sov-shit group "Velvet Revolution" (way to appropriate, fuckwits), assembled squads of people to LARP as "common-law sherrifs" and serve arrest warrants for members of the Australian government. This of course failed, because the government doesn't operate under maritime law, and cookers are bat shit insane.
Cooker hall of fame
WARNING LONG TERM COOKER EXPOSURE is known to the State of California to cause long term health effects! |
Cooker warfare
Civil wars
- Battle of EPIC - A power struggle between top-level cookers Bosi and Hoody.
New world order
Unlawful alterations to the Constitution Of The Australian Commonwealth Act, Fearmongering, Brainwashing, Constant Shutdowns of State Borders, Shutdowns of Businesses leaving every man and woman not knowing where their family’s next meal will come from or how they will pay their mortgage or business loans. Forcing Mandatory Vaccinations, Forcing Mandatory Vaccine Passports, Forcing NO JAB - NO JOB and causing a magnitude of Panic, Stress, Anxiety, Depression and Suicides. Banning of family visits within Nursing Homes, Vaccinating our children without parental consent which has caused these breaches of the peace; just to name a few. Arrest all Politicians, Judges and State Governors.
- To Restore our Constitution Of The Australian Commonwealth Act.
- To Remove the Private Corporate Government Sitting Members from our
Parliaments and Council Chambers.
- To Reinstate a New Government for the Commonwealth Of Australia
under our Constitution Of The Australian Commonwealth Act of Independent Candidates ONLY by way of ONE PERSON, ONE VOTE ONLY for ONE Independent Candidate as it states in our Constitution of the Australian Commonwealth Act 1900 UK
Section 76. “Each Elector Shall Vote ONLY ONCE!